Some Things | Vol. 04: Hello, Goodbye

Some Things | Vol. 04: Hello, GoodbyeIt's been a big week for robots. From Daft Punk, saying farewell after 28 years together to NASA landing its most ambitious robotic explorer on the surface of Mars. So whether you're exploring new planets or creating magic on this one, here are some things to get you thinking.

  1. What type of liar are you?  Best-selling author & Stanford lecturer Nir Eyal breaks down 4 types of liars via Nir and Far

  2. Cinemas have begun hiring their screens to gamers via BBC News

  3. We can’t get enough of this delicious story-driven brand identity for a café in Sydney via For The People

  4. Where my violence comes from – Mahmood Fazal, an Afghan-Australian writer examines what drew him as a young man to a life of violence in this powerful talk via TEDxSydney

  5. 28,146,129 people are having a shitty day. Now you can show them some love with Positive Notes

  6. Would you like spuds with that? Burger King is handing out bags of potatoes to help French farmers via TrendWatching

  7. 10 Afro-diaspora filmmakers you should know via Instagram

  8. Boss Hunting chose to have a bit of fun following the announcement that Facebook & the Australian Government have agreed to a deal via Jack Slade

  9. What if we're living in a computer-programmed reality? Watch the trailer for the new Rodney Ascher film, A Glitch in the Matrix.

  10. LA-based streetwear brand Madhappy collaborated with Headspace on a limited-edition collection – each piece comes with a three-month Headspace subscription

  11. 88rising’s Night Market e-commerce site, which has sold merchandise collaborations with Japanese illustrator Hajime Sorayama & Johnnie Walker, among others, is back & more relevant than ever

Perseverance's first full-colour look at Mars via NASA

We're not ones to blow our own trumpet, but we were pretty happy to see Booooooom feature our browser plugin, Something™ Spaces, this week.

Can’t wait till next week for more things? Follow us on Instagram.

We’re always on the lookout for like-minded people & brands to collaborate with. Give us a shout if you want to make Something™ happen.