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- Some Things | Vol. 39: Go out with a bang
Some Things | Vol. 39: Go out with a bang
Some Things | Vol. 39: Go out with a bang"Ideas are bulletproof" Alan Moore, V for VendettaMr. Moore certainly recognises the power of ideas, many of his has brought to critical acclaim, such as Watchmen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and V for Vendetta. Whilst Hollywood was taking his masked anarchist, V, to the big screen in 2006, thus the wheels were set in motion for the Guy Fawkes mask becoming a popular protest icon.This week ends, in the UK at least with Diwali & also Guy Fawkes Night. A firework celebration of a group’s failure to blow up Parliament. So remember to celebrate your failures, not just your successes, and who knows - in 400 years people may remember your work. Alternatively, you could end up Anonymous.Here are Some Things to start your week with a bang.
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